Coping & Stuff
My mom hasn't been doing very well lately. Yesterday she had a nasty nose-bleed incident. We're not talking a few drops of blood on a tissue. Because she's on two kinds of blood thinners, her nose bleeds gush all over the place ... her clothes, the bathroom sink, the floor. It's really scary! She had just been to the ear/nose/throat doctor on Monday because her nose bleeds have been more frequent. He gave her a silver nitrate treatment, then told her if she got another nose bleed to wait half an hour before she called a doctor or went to the ER. So, yesterday she did everything she was supposed to ... sit straight up, pinch the nostrils (which is hard for her because she's on oxygen) and put ice on it. An hour later, she got the color back in her face and everything was fine.
I'm in no way ready, physically or emotionally, to deal with all of this right now. The nose bleed was just the least of her latest problems. As I said, I'm having trouble coping. But I do. I have no choice.
She was planning on doing laundry yesterday. So was I. Since she couldn't, I ended up having to do it for both of us. Our washing machine is in the basement. Our bedrooms and bathroom (where the dirty clothes are) are on the second floor. That means going up and down lots and lots of stairs. I posted about leg heaviness a few weeks ago. It hasn't gotten any better. By 9 p.m., I'm pretty much upstairs for the rest of the night because my legs just won't let me climb the stairs. Knowing this, I should have done laundry earlier in the day. But I didn't start it 'til around 7 p.m. By 11 p.m. I was so tired I thought I'd sleep for a couple of days. But, insomnia being what it was, I eneded up watching 4 episodes of "Roseanne." Then, at 2 a.m., I remembered I still had a load of laundry in the washing machine. If it was mine, I would have left it 'til morning. But it was my mom's, so I went down to the basement to take care of it. As I was going back upstairs to my bedroom, I had four steps to go when my left leg wouldn't move. I could not lift it onto the next step. I had to sit down for about 5 mintues until my leg would move again. Even when it did and I made it up those last few steps, I literally had to drag the leg as I made my way down the hall to my bedroom.
I just have to keep reminding myself this will all end soon.
I'm in no way ready, physically or emotionally, to deal with all of this right now. The nose bleed was just the least of her latest problems. As I said, I'm having trouble coping. But I do. I have no choice.
She was planning on doing laundry yesterday. So was I. Since she couldn't, I ended up having to do it for both of us. Our washing machine is in the basement. Our bedrooms and bathroom (where the dirty clothes are) are on the second floor. That means going up and down lots and lots of stairs. I posted about leg heaviness a few weeks ago. It hasn't gotten any better. By 9 p.m., I'm pretty much upstairs for the rest of the night because my legs just won't let me climb the stairs. Knowing this, I should have done laundry earlier in the day. But I didn't start it 'til around 7 p.m. By 11 p.m. I was so tired I thought I'd sleep for a couple of days. But, insomnia being what it was, I eneded up watching 4 episodes of "Roseanne." Then, at 2 a.m., I remembered I still had a load of laundry in the washing machine. If it was mine, I would have left it 'til morning. But it was my mom's, so I went down to the basement to take care of it. As I was going back upstairs to my bedroom, I had four steps to go when my left leg wouldn't move. I could not lift it onto the next step. I had to sit down for about 5 mintues until my leg would move again. Even when it did and I made it up those last few steps, I literally had to drag the leg as I made my way down the hall to my bedroom.
I just have to keep reminding myself this will all end soon.
At 1:58 PM,
EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said…
See things positively.
We have never used a washing machine all my life and I am past 42 going on 43.
I spent all my savings for college on medical bills for my father for three years and he never recovered as he died on November 19, 1983. When I was only 20. Then, I had to help my poor mother bring up the five younger ones till when she died in an auto-accident on May 26, 1993. And I had to look after the survivors. But, I thank God today, because we are all doing well. We are no longer poor.
Please, take care of your mum and love her every second of every moment.
Our mothers are priceless.
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