Tired, Tired, Tired
Anyone who's read my other blog knows that I'm working on a play for our local community theater. I didn't think an extra two hours a night would take such a toll on me, but it has. I'm having fun but I'm exhausted.
Then, on top of that, I did something stupid. I volunteered to work a day at the Red Cross (Meals on Wheels) on the same day I had an AAUW meeting. That means I didn't get an afternoon nap. Actually, I didn't get one for three days in a row.
All I was planning to do yesterday was sleep. But I woke up at 6:10 a.m. and, when I went to the bathroom, I noticed that my Mom's oxygen tube wasn't in the hallway going into her bedroom, so she must have been awake and downstairs earlier than normal. I went down to check on her to see if everything was ok. She was in the kitchen. Her hands were full of blood, there was blood all down the front of her nightgown and all over the floor. She was having another gushing nose bleed. When it didn't stop after 10 minutes, we went to the ER. Her blood pressure was 201/76. I'm sure everyone knows that's not good. An hour and a half later, after they took care of her, I took her home. But I couldn't go back to sleep because I had to go to her doctor's office and pick up some blood pressure pills for her. An hour later, when the doctor's office opened, I went down and learned that they'd changed their policy and they don't just give out the drugs anymore, even if you've been getting free samples for two years, as my Mom has. So the receptionist took the phone number and said she'd call when the drugs were ready. I figured I'd try to get some sleep while we waited for the phone call. But the phone rang just about every half hour for the next few hours. It wasn't the doctor's office, though. They didn't call until 2:45 p.m. When they did, my Mom said she also needed a prescription for a problem she was having with her eye. They said they'd call it into the pharmacy. So, I went to the doctor's office and picked up the blood pressure medicine. Then I went to the pharmacy, hoping the prescription would be ready. It wasn't, so I went to the bank while I was waiting. When I got back to the pharmacy, the pharmacist told me that they don't carry the eye drops the doctor ordered. She called the doctor's office to see if there was something else he could order. He was gone for the weekend. So then she called another pharmacy to see if they carried the drops. They don't either. She called another pharmacy. Thank goodness they had the drops. So, the orginal pharmacist made a deal with the third pharmacist. I paid for them at the first place but had to go to the other place to pick them up. Sheesh! What an ordeal!
By the time I got home and got my Mom all taken care of, I was too wired to sleep, although I was more tired than I was when I woke up 10 hours earlier. So, I went grocery shopping. Well, it really wasn't "grocery" shopping. I'm on the hostess committee for next month's AAUW meeting and I want to make these cookies I saw a recipe for a few months ago. But, since I never made them before, I want to try them before I offer to bake them for the meeting. I mean, I don't want my first time on the hostess committee to be a bad experience, for me and the poor women who would have to be polite and tell me the cookies are good even if they suck.
So, on a day I planned to catch up on sleep, I finally got back to bed at 6:50 p.m.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention this. A woman at the Red Cross, who had a hysterectomy a few years ago, told me it's perfectly normal for me to still be so tired at this point in my recovery. She told me she still has to take naps after work sometimes, and she's two years younger than I am.
I also told her I wanted to take the Red Cross Disaster Relief Course and go to the Gulf Coast to help out. She told me there's no way I'd be up to doing that until at least January. But she said she's sure they'll still be sending people then.
Anyway, although I had some really strange dreams last night, I did get some sleep. I could use some more, though. But I will get an afternoon nap today. I have to. Big Brother 6 isn't on 'til 10 p.m. and I can't fall asleep during that, can I? ;)
Anyone who's read my other blog knows that I'm working on a play for our local community theater. I didn't think an extra two hours a night would take such a toll on me, but it has. I'm having fun but I'm exhausted.
Then, on top of that, I did something stupid. I volunteered to work a day at the Red Cross (Meals on Wheels) on the same day I had an AAUW meeting. That means I didn't get an afternoon nap. Actually, I didn't get one for three days in a row.
All I was planning to do yesterday was sleep. But I woke up at 6:10 a.m. and, when I went to the bathroom, I noticed that my Mom's oxygen tube wasn't in the hallway going into her bedroom, so she must have been awake and downstairs earlier than normal. I went down to check on her to see if everything was ok. She was in the kitchen. Her hands were full of blood, there was blood all down the front of her nightgown and all over the floor. She was having another gushing nose bleed. When it didn't stop after 10 minutes, we went to the ER. Her blood pressure was 201/76. I'm sure everyone knows that's not good. An hour and a half later, after they took care of her, I took her home. But I couldn't go back to sleep because I had to go to her doctor's office and pick up some blood pressure pills for her. An hour later, when the doctor's office opened, I went down and learned that they'd changed their policy and they don't just give out the drugs anymore, even if you've been getting free samples for two years, as my Mom has. So the receptionist took the phone number and said she'd call when the drugs were ready. I figured I'd try to get some sleep while we waited for the phone call. But the phone rang just about every half hour for the next few hours. It wasn't the doctor's office, though. They didn't call until 2:45 p.m. When they did, my Mom said she also needed a prescription for a problem she was having with her eye. They said they'd call it into the pharmacy. So, I went to the doctor's office and picked up the blood pressure medicine. Then I went to the pharmacy, hoping the prescription would be ready. It wasn't, so I went to the bank while I was waiting. When I got back to the pharmacy, the pharmacist told me that they don't carry the eye drops the doctor ordered. She called the doctor's office to see if there was something else he could order. He was gone for the weekend. So then she called another pharmacy to see if they carried the drops. They don't either. She called another pharmacy. Thank goodness they had the drops. So, the orginal pharmacist made a deal with the third pharmacist. I paid for them at the first place but had to go to the other place to pick them up. Sheesh! What an ordeal!
By the time I got home and got my Mom all taken care of, I was too wired to sleep, although I was more tired than I was when I woke up 10 hours earlier. So, I went grocery shopping. Well, it really wasn't "grocery" shopping. I'm on the hostess committee for next month's AAUW meeting and I want to make these cookies I saw a recipe for a few months ago. But, since I never made them before, I want to try them before I offer to bake them for the meeting. I mean, I don't want my first time on the hostess committee to be a bad experience, for me and the poor women who would have to be polite and tell me the cookies are good even if they suck.
So, on a day I planned to catch up on sleep, I finally got back to bed at 6:50 p.m.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention this. A woman at the Red Cross, who had a hysterectomy a few years ago, told me it's perfectly normal for me to still be so tired at this point in my recovery. She told me she still has to take naps after work sometimes, and she's two years younger than I am.
I also told her I wanted to take the Red Cross Disaster Relief Course and go to the Gulf Coast to help out. She told me there's no way I'd be up to doing that until at least January. But she said she's sure they'll still be sending people then.
Anyway, although I had some really strange dreams last night, I did get some sleep. I could use some more, though. But I will get an afternoon nap today. I have to. Big Brother 6 isn't on 'til 10 p.m. and I can't fall asleep during that, can I? ;)
At 11:32 AM,
Trisha said…
I just want to say I hope that you don't edit or remove my email, as I am very importantly wanting to remind women that a hysterectomy isn't always necessary even for cancer of the Cervix stage 2, and that if a woman is in good health and has no Gynecological problems left after a cone biopsy she and has all other tests and is clear of cancer there is only a 5% chance of something microscopic left behind, and if she is happy with this small danger then she should think twice if the medical profession are trying to rush her into a hysterectomy because if it ant broke don't fix it.
And while I appreciate all the happy bloggs on this web site Hysterectomy is still far to widely preformed and in the case of cleared early stage cancer of the cervix is definitely not necessary and with all the dangers of loss of health and well being connected to Hysterectomy, it is a very big decision to make and still a last resort.
After feeling like I was accused of being guilty and had to finally be proved innocent, and a huge battle, I am bursting with health after NOT having a hysterectomy for stage 1B Cervical cancer as I guessed with no lymphvascular invasion that this was far too radical. If I had obediently taken doctors orders I would now be minus my ovaries and womb.
I am a slim fit sexy 49 year old who considers her womb an important part of my current good health that I am experiencing.
If this blogg does not appear due to the bias of this web site being positive about Hysterectomy, I have a way to prove that it has been removed.
Thank you and I wish everyone the best possible control of their own health, shared knowledge is power
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