Hyster Blog :: Uterus-free since May 2005

My experiences with fibroid tumors and hysterectomy.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bladder Problems

OK. I don't know if "problems" is exactly the right word. Maybe annoyances would be more accurate. Problems would be before the hysterectomy when my uterus was pressing on my bladder and I had to pee up to 37 times in 24 hours. Now what happens is that if I don't pee when I have to, I have some pain until I go. But this is the funny part. When I do go, it just flows and flows and flows. I had to laugh when I thought maybe that wasn't normal. I laughed at myself when I realized "this" is normal. What wasn't normal was the tiny tinkles every half hour to 45 minutes.


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