Hyster Blog :: Uterus-free since May 2005

My experiences with fibroid tumors and hysterectomy.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Random thoughts

This is probably my last period. Ya know what? I'm not one bit upset about that. I'm more upset about not being able to go skydiving, which I was going to do for the newspaper's special summer section.

Until the surgery, I want to wear a T-shirt that says "I'm not fat. I have fibroids."

I'll never again have to worry about what kind of birth control to use and, more important, did it work.

When people find out I'm in the hopsital I can say "See? I told you I didn't feel well."

I'm wondering if not being able to bear children will be more attractive to guys in the age group I'd like to date.

I hope I don't have a reaction to the anesthetic (sp?) or any of the drugs.

I hope they give me good pain medication ... and lots of it.

How long will I have to be away from my computer? I wish I had a laptop.

The two women I've talked to about this, who have had hysterectomies told me the recovery process took a fairly long time but, six months later, they felt better than they've ever felt in their lives. I hope the same holds true for me.

A woman at work is 3 months pregnant. Despite my desire not to have children, that's going to be hard for me.

There's a commercial for some menopause drug. Part of it says "If you have a uterus ..." Yeah. Rub it in.

If I even feel like eating in the hospital, will they have low-carb-friendly stuff?

And, yeah, I'm still thinking about the cost. But what are they going to do? Not treat me?


  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Annie said…

    I hate going to the OB-GYN and seeing all the pregnant women. I think they should have a "no pregnancy" day.

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Anne said…

    I agree!


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