Hyster Blog :: Uterus-free since May 2005

My experiences with fibroid tumors and hysterectomy.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Top Ten Reason to Have a Hysterectomy

I've seen this a couple of other places, so here's my list:

10.I won't find the "just in case" pads and tampons hidden all over the place.

9.I can throw the "that time of the month" sheets away.

8.I won't have to have 2 sets of underwear, the good ones and the other ones.

7.I'll feel rested after 8 hours of sleep instead of feeling exhausted after 12.

6.I can stop being a contortionist in order to look in restroom mirrors to make sure I didn't leak.

5.Knowing where the restroom is when I walk into a store, restaurant or anyplace else, will not be a top priority.

4.I won't have a bloody hand everytime I wipe.

3.Sex will be much easier to plan. (Not that I'm gettin' much, but that could change.)

2.With all the money I'll be saving on feminine hygiene products and Pamprin, I can go on a nice vacation on a tropical island. Hell, I could probably buy a tropical island.

And the Number One Reason to Have a Hysterectomy:

1.I won't have to wear my "I'm not fat, I have fibroids" t-shirt anymore.*

*I really don't have one of those t-shirts, but I wanted one.


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